Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thoughtful New Years Resolutions for the LGBT Community

My friend at "If you could read my mind" has link to a good column in one of Toronto's gay papers which has relevance to all of us. While Canada offers a far higher level of legal equality for its LGBT citizens than is found in the Chimperator's Amerika, and therefore we are still fighting some of the battles already won to the north of us, the column has many points that would be well taken by gays everywhere. Here is a link to the article:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The photo is of the Gay Freedom Day Flag flying at Harvey Milk Plaza, Castro and Market Streets, and Francisco. The plaza serves as the entrance to the Castro Muni Station, the largest flag to fly in S.F.

The Castro Neighborhood is all of two blocks by two blocks, with plenty of bars, boutiques, and now franchises.

The flag also commemorates the thousands, especially gay men, who died from AIDS, and still die. The best resolution one can make socially is to STOP AIDS, which requires a personal commitment to love one another, not merely trick each other. Use condoms always. Ignoring the Demon won't make it disappear, only make the Demon an integral and unpleasant part of one's life.

After the "bond," then use condoms with discretion "while grazing."