Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Iowa Republicans Press For Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

It would seem that the GOP is reduced to gay baiting as its principal tool to garner voter turnout. Why not try some innovative ideas and proposals to address real problems one might ask. To me the answer to that question is simple: by being married to Bible thumping, anti-science Neanderthals, the GOP has slowly but surely driven away thinking individuals, leaving only those afraid to think for themselves or innovatively in the party. Here's 365gay.com's coverage of yet another GOP attempt to inflame wingnut voters at the expense of LGBT citizens (http://www.365gay.com/Newscon08/01/011508iam.htm):
(Des Moines, Iowa) Republicans are demanding that Democrats who control the legislature take up a proposed amendment that would ban same-sex marriage. Wednesday hundreds of conservative Christians bussed in from across the state added leverage to the call. The protestors held a prayer session at the legislature in support of traditional marriage. Iowa already has a law limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples but supporters of the amendment say it could be overturned by "renegade" judges.
The issue already is before the state Supreme Court but Democrats say it is premature to take up the proposed amendment. "We don't see the courts in here trying to subvert the Legislature," said House Speaker Pat Murphy (D). "We shouldn't be trying to subvert the judicial process, either."
Last August Polk County Judge Robert Hanson struck down Iowa's 1998 Defense of Marriage Act ruling that it violated the constitutional rights of due process and equal protection of six gay couples who had sued. Later that day he stayed his ruling to allow for an appeal to the Supreme Court, but not before several dozen couples applied for marriage licenses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What else do they have? The last seven years have been abysmal for the Republican party.

Scapegoating gay people is one of the few tricks they have left in their bag. On every single issue they loose.