Friday, January 18, 2008

Huckabee On Divorce - Ban It

Andrew Sullivan has a great post that lays it on the line in terms of where Huckabee's radical religious views must necessarily lead one on divorce. It must be banned. And, believe it or not, this is exactly what the hardcore Christianists have as part of their overall agenda. That and banning all birth control. You think I am making it up? Do your homework, read the Christin Right organization web sites and see what they are saying and you will realize how out of the mainstream these folks are. Sadly, most of the media are giving Huckabee soft ball pitches and not specifically holding his feet to the fire and making him fess up to what his real agenda might be. A case in point was Morning Joe this morning with Joe Scarborough. Moreover, the GOP needs to be held accountable for the Frankenstein monster that has been let loose politically in the form of the party's Christianist base. Here's Andrew's take on it:

We clearly need a constitutional amendment to ban it:

Marriage has historically, as long as there’s been human history, meant a man and a woman in a relationship for life. Once we change that definition, then where does it go from there?

The Bible is clear. Jesus is actually explicit on this - and never mentioned homosexuality. Divorce is clearly forbidden. If we have strayed from such a core Biblical principle, and the Constitution is the place where we are supposed to resolve social policy, then Huckabee must support a constitutional amendment to ban divorce everywhere for everyone. So how about it, GOP? Are you serious about the Bible as the basis for politics or not?

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