Wednesday, January 23, 2008

As Always, Fred Phelps Shows Himself to Be a Nasty Bastard

Heath Ledger's body is barely cold and yet Fred Phelps has already announced that he and his band of false Christians intend to try to protest at his funeral. Phelps is a complete maggot. The only good thing about him is that he shows the world the true unvarnished face of Christianist lunatics.
People should take a good look at Phelps - in the final analysis, he is no different from James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Chuck Colson, Pat Robertson, et al. They merely act less hateful when speaking in public and/or to the media. The underlying hate is the same.


Java said...

What a monumental asshole. But we've known that for a long time.

Billy said...

Wish I could send this man, scratch that, this person a stink bomb... (or worse!)

Oh well, at least we know that he will be burning in Hell one day for all the hate he preached!