Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Commentary on Huckabee's MSNBC Interview This Morning

As is the case most mornings, I was watching Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe on MSNBC while eating breakfast and getting my morning caffeine fix. I caught most of the interview with Mike Huckabee, but what most terrified me was when Scarborough asked Huckabee what his position was on separation of church and state. Hukabee's response was that "the Constitution prevents the government from giving preference or establishment of a particular religion BUT THAT IT DOES NOT PREVENT THE PEOPLE FROM DOING SO." Scarborough repeated the question and again Huckabee said the Constitution did not limit what the people can do.
Why is this important? Because if one has regularly monitored the Christianist organization web sites and read some of their legal briefs in appellate court cases such as Lawrence v. Texas, they clearly believe that religious beliefs, sexual morals are to be decided by the majority of the population. Minority views and/or groups do NOT have the right to depart from or hold opposing views. This was very clear in some of the statements in briefs filed in Lawrence v. Texas and is also evident in Christianist site views on affirmative action, immigration issues, and gay rights issues and a number of other matters. Their view of freedom of religion means that no one can restrict their religious views, but that differing or minority views do NOT enjoy the same rights.

Since Huckabee is clearly one of the Christianists, his response should set off alarm bells. While outwardly sounding as if he has no problem with complying with the First Amendment, his comment on what the people can do shows that he believes that the people - whether it be 50. 01% or some larger majority CAN establish one religious view as the predominant belief system. The passage of anti-gay marriage amendments in various states - Florida being the next state where they will attempt this approach - shows how the Christianists will proceed to change governing documents to enshrine one particular religious belief system. I cannot stress too strongly how great a threat Huckabee and people like him are to the freedoms long enjoyed by citizens of this country. Stated another way, were Huckabee to be elected President, I believe it would be time for me to seriously look into emigrating. Sadly, your soccer mom crowd and many others are totally oblivious to what is slowly but surely happening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Michael! I agree with you 110% on this issue.

These "Christified" idiots need to leave politics to those of us who use our brains for something other than keeping our skulls from caving in. We actually do not care whether our $100 hair cut gets messed up or not, do we?