Saturday, July 28, 2007

Gays Scapegoated Again A fellow blogger e-mailed me with a link to this article that discusses the way that gays have been perhaps unduly singled out as if they were the only members of society that use crystal meth. Here is one highlight from the article:

Perhaps because the prevalence of HIV is higher in the gay population -- or because homosexuals are popular political targets -- countless research papers and news reports about high-risk sexual behavior in gay communities have neglected to make any comparison to their straight counterparts. For this reason, there is a false impression that meth use is only a problem among gay men. Many public health campaigns have exclusively targeted gay meth users. The California Department of Pubic Health, acknowledged that researchers have not paid enough attention to the risky sexual practices of straight meth users. Their study found that straight meth users were 50 percent more likely to have had sex with a random stranger. Furthermore, straight meth users were almost three times as likely (29.6 percent) to have had anal sex with a female in comparison to their sober counterparts (11.9 perecent). This is particularly alarming because straight meth users only wore a condom 25 percent of the time when having anal sex.

Sadly, our enemies among the Christianists love to portray gays as sex obsessed drug users and the modern news media is too lazy to bother to do any independent fact checking.

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